Rafał Pocztarski
Programming since 1986
JavaScript Developer since 1996
Node.js Developer since 2009
Stack Overflow top 1% since 2011
TypeScript Developer since 2017
Deno Developer since 2018

Designing, developing, teaching, mentoring, speaking and writing about highest quiality backend JavaScript and TypeScript.
Current focus: Node.js, Deno, WebAssembly, WASI, JavaScript, TypeScript
Particularly proud to be working with: Ramp, Vienna Insurance Group, Beesafe, Clevertech, Nucity Media, OurHarvest, Packt Publishing, Rap-In, Syncano, WarsawJS, and many more clients.
Designing and developing backend APIs for mobile and web applications
Using TypeScript, Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, Microservices, RabbitMQ, Express, Hapi, Restify, Nest, NoSQL, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, Travis, CircleCI, Jest, Jasmine, TDD, REST, JSON, APIs, OOP

My Talks and Interviews
C_tech #16 - Angular CDK / Od Node.js do Deno
Posted by Connectis on Wednesday, January 22, 2020
My Guest Appearances in Podcasts
Node.js Foundation
Node.js Foundation Certification Committee Member
Open Source and Free Software
Author of Node.js modules on npm (profile on npm)
Contributions to other Node.js modules (profile on Libraries.io)
Contributions to Node.js core (listed as one of the authors of Node.js)
Contributions to npm core (listed as one of the authors of npm)
Writing on:
Stack Overflow
+ Stack Exchange
(10,000,000+ readers, 1,500+ answers, 100,000+ reputation)
(Golden Node.js Badge
#1 in Poland, #6 in Europe, #23 Worldwide)
(10,000+ readers, 400+ followers)
(500,000+ readers, 100+ answers, 500+ followers)
(4,000+ contributions, administrator since 2004)
Stack Overflow
1,500+ answers on Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange
Top 0.14%, 100,000+ Reputation, 10,000,000+ views
Golden Node.js Badge on Stack Overflow
300+ Total Completed Solutions on Codewars
Top 0.554%, Rank: 2 kyu, Total Languages Trained: 57
IBM Badges

"The badge holder has demonstrated a commitment to the success of Node.js through direct contributions to the core or one of the top NPM modules. This individual has proven a dedication to the technology and an understanding of the Node.js project, its goals, and the needs of the developer community, while adhering to common development practices that contributes to successful code." - IBM
"This badge holder has a basic understanding of the the business and architectural concepts of API development." - IBM
Nonblacking I/O on the planet Asynchronia256/16 - explaining asynchronous I/O using fiction
Shame-driven development - The real driving force of open-source software quality.
Back to the Backend Era - Serverless with Syncano